
Beef Rice Fricassee contains no meat but rather beef flavored TVP. (As the beef rice fricassee is so similar to the chicken rice fricassee, please see the instructions for chicken fricassee for cooking hints.) The first night I made this up a couple of friends happened to stop in. "Sure," they said, "We'll stay for supper."
"Great," I thought. "Fresh victims." Cooked and ready to eat...
After I dished it up, I ask, "As this is a taste test, you have to tell me exactly what you really think of it." One of them thought it was just great. The other one, well, I won't tell you what he said. But he did take a second helping, "Just because I'm hungry," he said. Just about then the husband and two of the daughters came in. They each dished themselves up some fricassee and before long the 10 cup pot I had made was gone. They also thought it tasted fine. I'd made enough so there would be leftovers, or so I thought. Maybe next time I'll have to make more. |