Dehydrated Food vs. Canned Food vs. Frozen Food

Nutrient Loss Sample Comparison Chart

The chart below comes from the US Department of Agriculture Research Services Division, Composition of Foods - Handbook No. 8, Analysis Charts Table 2 - Nutrients In The Edible Portion Of One Pound Of Food.

What this chart shows is the the amount of nutrients left over after processing. Dehydrated food performs better than its frozen or canned counterparts by far.


  • Comparisons are of overall nutritional losses incurred in food preservation.
  • Canning: 60 - 80% nutrient loss due to high temperatures in the canning process..
  • Frozen: 40 - 60% nutrient loss. Moisture expands when frozen, causing food cells to rupture.
  • Dehydrated: 3 - 5% nutrient loss due to low heat during the drying cycle and the gentle air flow, this translates to minimal loss.
  • This means that there is less than 5% nutrient loss on dehydrated food on ANY size portion .vs. 40% - 80% in canned or frozen.
  • Dehydrated food weighs less by 70 - 94%. The nutritional value in the food isn't destroyed by drying process. Remove the water and the nutritional value goes up as a percentage of the reduced weight.


Carrots 1 lbs. Canned Frozen Dehydrated
Food Energy Cal1272381,547
Protein gm2.73.8-
Fat gm0.9-5.9
Carbohydrates gm29115367
Phosphorus mg91-1,061
Iron mg3.24.927.2
Sodium mg1,070-1,216
Potassium mg544-8,818
Vitamin A mg4536049,0002,040
Thiamine mg0.11-1.39
Riboflavin mg0.11-1.36
Niacin mg1.6-13.7
Abscorbic Acid mg9468
Peas 1 lbs. Canned Frozen Dehydrated
Food Energy Cal2293311,542
Protein gm15.924.5109.3
Fat gm1.41.45.9
Carbohydrates gm5658367
Phosphorus mg2294081,542
Iron mg7.79.123.1
Sodium mg1,070505159
Potassium mg4356804,559
Vitamin A mg3,080540 
Thiamine mg0.431.453.38
Riboflavin mg0.240.451.31
Niacin mg3.99.313.7
Abscorbic Acid mg4085-
Potatoes 1 lbs. Canned Frozen Dehydrated
Food Energy Cal2003311,651
Protein gm55.432.7
Fat gm0.9-2.7
Carbohydrates gm4478381
Phosphorus mg136136785
Iron mg1.43.27.7
Sodium mg536404
Potassium mg1,1347717,258
Vitamin A mg---
Thiamine mg0.170.321.05
Riboflavin mg0.10.050.27
Niacin mg2.92.924.4
Abscorbic Acid mg4114427
Thiamine mg0.170.321.05
Riboflavin mg0.10.050.27
Niacin mg2.92.924.4
Abscorbic Acid mg5841144
Apricots 1 lbs. Canned Frozen Dehydrated
Food Energy Cal2454451,506
Protein gm4.53.225.4
Fat gm0.90.54.5
Carbohydrates gm61113383
Phosphorus mg10486631
Iron mg2.34.124
Sodium mg518150
Potassium mg1,6421,0395,715
Vitamin A mg1,2507,62063,960
Thiamine mg0.120.09Trace
Riboflavin mg0.150.180.36
Niacin mg2.53.516.2
Abscorbic Acid mg4169 
Thiamine mg0.120.09Trace
Riboflavin mg0.150.180.36
Niacin mg2.53.516.2
Abscorbic Acid mg274169