Why Choose Food Assets?

Welcome to Food Assets - the most informative online resource on emergency food storage available. We are the only ad-free, no-propaganda, 100% food preparedness website on the Internet. We are also the only climate change preparedness website in the food industry.

Food Assets VIP Guarantee!

No annoying popups, no false claims, no deceptive advertising, no fake "food sales", no bogus faketriot claims to seperate you from your money. Our rigorous approach and high standards to product selection and food storage companies is the very best in the industry. We have over 25+ years experience and are one of the oldest food storage dealers in business. We are family owned and operated. Our ethics are honesty, fair prices, information, timely service and selection, helping Americans help themselves to the best information available so that you can be informed and properly prepared.

Emergency food products can provide real protection from food shortages, inflation, climate change, natural disasters and more. Food storage is a personal and essential asset, ready when you need it - and can be used at any time, anywhere, by anyone in need and will be absolutely critical in the days ahead as our world suffers from the effects of climate change. The key element in individual and family preparedness is having a long-lasting food storage ready at hand before you actually need it at today's much lower food prices. And the other key element is having food on hand that you can actually use - any way you want it.

Our VIP Guarantee - Value, Variety, Volume, Integrity, Information,  Packaging, and Privacy.


Food Assets offers the best value in quality food from the best companies, including many different custom food units. Best prices, best selection and best value make Food Assets your #1 choice for emergency storable food.


Our units contain a far larger variety of food products then the competition. Repetitive entrees, boring foods, short shelf life and very small servings with low calories are very common offerings among food storage companies. Not with us. We clearly show what you are getting in our packages, with a larger variety, more calories, better nutrition and a considerably larger selection any other competitor. Our food is meant to last and to be there when you need it.


We do a huge volume in customer sales and support each year, as one of the largest suppliers in the food storage industry. We achieved this the old-fashioned way -- hard work, honest advertising, best selections and great prices. High volume also means fresh ingredients. We do not sell old stock (we don't have any).


There are a ton of companies advertising storable foods. A great many are very deceptive about what they claim regarding calories, servings, shelf life, nutrition, unit sizes, and the number of people their units will adequately serve and how long their food is advertised to last. Their kits will not last even half the time claimed due to insufficient size and calories. Many are very small kits with slick advertisements that gloss over or omit important nutritional details you need to know before making a purchase.


We clearly publish EXACTLY what you are receiving. Whether a food kit, year unit or an individual items Food Assets clearly publishes the contents, ingredients, nutrition, serving size, variety, price and calories! Many website make it a complete mystery about what you are receiving. We've investigated most of them and nobody but Food Assets shows the complete level of information you need to make a wise purchase.


We have decades of experience in the food storage industry, and we can assure you, not all packaging is the same. Many newcomers do not realize that the foods that they are offering will not stay fresh anywhere near the time they are being advertised, with some going stale in a matter of mere months due to poor packaging methods and materials. Our packaging is designed to provide you with the longest possible shelf life available using state of the art facilities. Cans and buckets contain oxygen absorbers with the food within properly preserved freeze drying or dehydrated to very low moisture levels. Read our Shelf Life page to learn more.


We have a very strong privacy policy published here. We respect your need for privacy.


We only carry products from the leading manufacturers in the food storage industry. By offering you only the best, you are assured you are obtaining highest quality, freshest ingredients you can buy, bar none. There are many different brands to consider, but we insist on only carrying the very best.


We have 25+ years of food storage experience, eating and living the lifestyle ourselves daily. Our suppliers are even more experienced, with over 100+ years of combined food storage experience from the best companies in the food industry. We store our own products in our own food storage programs for our own families. We have even published our experience with eating our own food with a 30 day taste test and other foods we've eaten.