Quick and Easy Food Storage Guide

Confused? Don't know where to start? Here’s a quick and easy method for starting out your food storage plan!

Food kits are complete food storage solutions designed to last anywhere from 72 hours to over 10 years for 1 person! These are scaleable from relatively 'basic' units to more complete 'deluxe' and 'ultimate' selections.

Step 1

It is recommended to start out with enough food to supply 1 individual for upwards of 72 hours.


30 Day Emergency Food Kit


FEMA and Red Cross guidelines recommend having at least 2 weeks worth of storable food and water on hand for emergencies.

1 - 14 Day Kits

Step 2

For extended duration emergencies consider moving up to a larger 1 month supply.

30 Day Emergency Food Supply

30 Day Emergency Food Kit


There are many excellent 1+ month options to choose from:

1 - 8 month kits1 Month Emergency Food Kits

Step 3

For the ultimate in food storage solutions, a complete 1 year unit is a great option, and the choice of many.

Food Assets 1 Year Emergency Supply

1 - 4 year kits1 Year Emergency Food Kits


You're off to a very good start! Consider supplementing your food storage with additional meal options and variety.

Check out our Pak Kits

Don't forget to check out the Food Menu on the left side of the page with over 1600+ food choices!

Helpful tips: To compute for any size family, simply divide the kit size by the number of people:

14 day kit ÷ 2 people = 7 days for 2 people.

1 year kit (12 months) ÷ 4 people = 3 months for 4 people.

Try our Food Storage Calculator too!



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