Survival Food Large Group Kit - Real Storable Emergency Food

Survival Food Large Group Kit for 10 to 150 People!

Combination of bulk buckets and cans for emergency food supplies in large groups, this is as compact as it gets for large groups while still offering essential nutrition.

Food Assets Advantage

  • Endless Meal & Menu Possibilities
  • Secure Online Ordering Platform
  • Swift Delivery Service
  • Real food, devoid of excessive processing, packaging, and diminutive portions
  • Unlimited meal options, superior nutrition, fiber and caloric content
  • Real Food Storage without the gimmicks
  • Proudly Serving America for 28 Years




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Information, Sizes & Servings

Updated 5/22/24

Unit Details:

  • Dehydrated Food
  • 24 5 Gallon Super Pail Buckets w/Mylar bag liner
  • 42 #10 Cans w/Lids
  • Requires 35 cubic feet of storage space
  • Fantastic shelf life (25 years) on most items!

An excellent variety of food staples. Packaged in airtight Super Pail buckets, #10, which are superb for long term shelf stable food. Delicious and easy to prepare!

Compare our food kits for weight, size and calories against our competitors! Kits from Food Assets are bigger, with more food at a lower price! We offer real food for real people for real emergencies. Food preparations you can count on!

Food Kit Facts!

  • Our Food Kits are nearly TWICE the size of competitors!
  • More calories, more servings, guaranteed to last as long as advertised!
  • We offer REAL food for REAL emergencies!
  • Read Why We Do Not Recommend Survival Food Buckets!
  • Food stored in hard-sided cans offers the best shelf-life guarantee.
  • Wholesome food with a large variety offers great meal preparation!
  • "Food kits" in pouches have small servings and very low calories, and won't last anywhere near their advertised claims.
  • Pouch kits are VERY expensive (2 - 4 kits are required to meet actual real-life nutritional needs).
  • Compare the facts! Storable Food Scams!
  • We are the most experienced food storage company in the industry.

Notes on buckets: Barometric pressure (elevation) can cause buckets to dent (concave or convex). Normally this is not a problem, buckets can be reshaped by removing the lid and pushing out any dents. Product remains sealed in the inner mylar bag until opened. See Packaging Details for more information.

Also excellent as a large group kit (any group size from 2 - 75 people) based on 2000 calories per person / per day. This kit will meet facility and institutional requirements for emergency food storage for large groups.


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2Corn Super Sweet 16 lb 5 gallon Super Pail3851250176
2Rice Par Boiled 35 lb 5 gallon Super Pail76674114580
216 Bean Mix 35 lb 5 gallon Super Pail7634466736
2Potato Granules 30 lb 5 gallon Super Pail661216127680
2Green Beans 10 lb 5 gallon Super Pail2664827864
2Vegetable Stew Blend 13 lb 5 gallon Super Pail3284239574
2ABC Soup Mix 35 lb 5 gallon Super Pail76556106752
2Spaghetti 30 lb 5 gallon Super Pail66476100436
6Vanilla Pudding Instant 76 oz, size 10 can3651651600
1Apple Drink - vitamin blend 94 oz, case (6) size 10 cans4157161097
6Brown Gravy 60 oz, size 10 can36145843740
1Beef Flavored TVP 40 oz, case (6) size 10 cans2124024000
1Tomato Powder 60 oz, case (6) size 10 cans3082837260
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6Chocolate Pudding Instant 76 oz, size 10 can3630626622
 66< Totals >918123931230651